A traditional Galoshans get together for all ages. Learn about party pieces, traditional games and more.
Beacon Arts Centre
Website: www.beaconartscentre.co.uk
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thebeaconarts
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thebeaconartsc
X: www.x.com/thebeaconarts
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/beacon-arts-centre
Burns Club
Website: www.greenockburnsclub.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Motherclub1801
X: www.x.com/motherclub1801
The Beacon Arts Centre: www.beaconartscentre.co.uk
Greenock Burns Club: www.greenockburnsclub.com
SB: Sound Based
V: Highly Visual / No or Little Text
TT: Touch Tour
Beacon Arts Centre, Custom House Quay, Greenock, PA15 1HJ
Beacon Arts Centre – Beaconartscentre.co.uk
You’ll find us at Custom House Quay, a short walk from Greenock Central Station or the bus stops on Rue End Street and Dalrymple Street. Coming by car? We’re about 30-40 minutes from Glasgow City Centre (depending on traffic!)
Free customer parking with designated bays for Blue Badge holders near the main entrance – find out more.
We have accessible level access to the venue via a ramp to the front of the building.
Event space (the studio) is on the ground floor.
Wheelchair spaces are on the front row of the studio (on the level of the playing space)
We have a passenger lift for access to the gallery suite level.
All ground floor fire exits have level egress.
We have 3 fire evac chairs on the second level refuge spaces.
Building has 18 female designated toilets
(Combination of front and back of house)
Rig Arts: Charity No: SC042242
Supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland.
Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland distributing funding provided by the
Scottish Government and The National Lottery. Further information at creativescotland.com. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Website created by Tweetiepie Media